La Marca Reaper Minis tiene la más amplia gama de miniaturas individuales del mundo. Escoger la que quieras en metal, plástico y polímero.
Minis Reaper
Tiik Baron
Dust King and Crypt
Sarah the Seeress
Hajad, Pirate
Dijoro, Female Kitsune
Ogre Chieftain (A)
Sigurd, Viking
$6.000 $5.000
Dark Young
Gus Greenweevil, Halfling Henchman
Space Mousling Heavy
Telephone Box
Giant Wererat
Wizard Mouslings (2)
Skeleton Guardians (5)
Zombies II (3)
Ogre Clubber
Bloodscale Kobolds (6) (77010)
Vermin: Rat Swarm (2)
$6.000 $5.000
Thunderfoot Defender
Reaper Bones Black: Rock Troll
Dreadmere Fishing Boat
Zombies (4)
Valandil, Wizard
Gremlins (4)
Gologh the Vicious. Black Orc Captain
Rivani, Iconic Psychic
Adowyn, Iconic Hunter
Deep One Priest & Servitor
Christina, Female Cleric
Skeleton Guardian Spearman (3)
Townsfolk: Village Rioter
Kallaguk, Troll King
Clay Golem
Orc Stalker (Two Weapons)
Bat Swarm
Giant Rhino Beetle
Dreadmere - Reeve Irremborg Planomap
Animal Companions 2: Wolf, Cat, Spider
Golanth, Half Dragon Warrior
Brock Battlebow. Dwarf Ranger 03371