La Marca Reaper Minis tiene la más amplia gama de miniaturas individuales del mundo. Escoger la que quieras en metal, plástico y polímero.
Minis Reaper
Domnu Of The Slithe
Tristan Loremistress
Dreadmere Townsfolk: Fishwife & Crone (2)
Women of Dreadmere (3)
Red Mantis Assassin
Brotherhood Of The Seal
Nov Corp Sgt
Jade Fire Warrior
Jade Fire Spearman
Gloom Stalker
Bloodstone Gnome Heroes (2)
Andowyn Thrushmoor
Mousling Sorcerer and Samurai
Mummy Sandkings (2)
Battleguard Golem
Tengu (3)
Elliwyn Heatherlark, Gnome Bard
Lizardman Archer
Xiao Liu, Female Monk
Eredain, Mercenary Wizard
Elladan, Elf Ranger
Devona, Female Wizard
Fly Demon
Freja Fangbreaker
Terezinya, Bonepander Wizard
Mossbeard, Treeman
Merisiel, Iconic Rogue
Stone Lurker
Cave Troll
Bloodstone Gnome Warriors (3)