PB2B Reaper
Stone Golem
Stone Lurker
Storm Dragon Hatchling
Talnyth, Female Elf Barbarian
Tarmiczi, Female Dragonblood Paladin
Tazythas, Dragonfolk Rogue
Telephone Box
Temple Dragon
Tengu (3)
Terezinya, Bonepander Wizard
Thain Grimthorn, Dwarf Cleric
Tharian, Bloodmagus, Ncpls
The Crimson Herald
The Horned Hunter
The Raven
The Red Raven
Thess Ironfaith, Female Cleric
Thiann Valand, Human Cleric
Thund Bloodwrack, Barbarian
Thunderfoot Defender
Tianalise, Bog Witch
Tidal Lurker
Tiik Baron
Tiviel, Hellborn Rogue
Tork, Bloodclub Bugbear
Town Guard (2)
Townsfolk III (3)
Townsfolk: Captives (3)
Townsfolk: Gravedigger and Henchman
Townsfolk: Night Watchman
Townsfolk: Undertaker
Townsfolk: Village Rioter
Translucent Slimes (2)
Trasher Snail
Treasure Pile
Treasure Rocky
Tristan Loremistress
Troll Slayer Sophie
Turvyn, Ghostwalkers
Tyrea Bronzelocks, Barbarian
Undead Dwarf Fighter